Mandatory Climate Reporting

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Climate reporting is now mandatory in Switzerland

Large Swiss companies and financial institutions will be required to disclose information on their climate-related risks, impacts and plans following new legislation passed.

All public companies, banks and insurance firms will be required to provide reporting based on the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures.

Businesses with 500 or more employees, at least CHF 20 million in total assets, and more than CHF 40 million in revenue will fall under these new rules.

The new ordinance will require companies to report on climate-related risks and the impact of company activities on climate change. Furthermore, companies will have to report on all direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions, in addition to disclosing emission reduction targets and outlining how they plan to reach these goals.

To provide firms with enough time to implement the new disclosure requirements, the Council pushed back enforcement of the new rules by a year from its original proposal to January 2024, with reporting beginning in 2025.
    Start disclosing today

    Net0 partners up with the Swiss government

    Net0 partners up with the Swiss Confederation Government and EnergieSchweiz - an Energy department of Switzerland to provide Swiss businesses with all the support needed to ensure a smooth transition towards net zero.

    Net0 carbon management platform enables businesses to accurately measure all three scopes of carbon emissions and disclose their carbon footprint by reporting standards.

      Schedule a demo with Net0
      Is your company ready for the Green Economy?

      Manage your emissions with 10x less effort.

      Modernise your climate stack

      You're tired of manually calculating your carbon emissions and reporting in Excel format.
      AI-enabled software that automatically calculates carbon emissions and compiles dashboards.
      carbon neutrality
      Customers questioning whether your brand is ethical.
      achieving Net Zero
      Customers raving about your climate-friendly habits & decisions.

      Taking care of "E" in "ESG"

      Measure emissions
      Measure your footprint 10x faster with automated data collection, both from your own entities and your suppliers.
      Reduce emissions
      Utilise Net0's predictive simulation functionality to plan and execute on emission reduction projects.
      Simplify reporting
      Instantly view your group-level footprint with interactive dashboards, or generate compliant reports.
      Get the demo
      How it works

      Upgrade your carbon management process

      Collect business data

      Use a range of interfaces, proprietary tools, and automations to accelerate and optimise the data collection process from your entities and broader value chain.

      Learn about automation
      Visualise your emissions

      Understand the origin of your corporate emissions, and view carbon profile of your products or services at a glance. Visualise your carbon footprint to tell the bigger story, beyond the overall CO2e number.

      Discover the product
      Reduce carbon emissions

      Use the simulation tool and progress cards to visualize and execute proper carbon mitigation strategies.

      Explore reduction opportunities
      Disclose your emissions

      Generate reports compliant with all leading international frameworks, such as GHG, ISO, SBTI, and others.

      Learn about reporting

      Enable your auditors or internal stakeholders to easily and rapidly verify the methodology, data integrity, and reporting compliance.

      Get the demo
      Convinced yet?

      Reasons to choose Net0 for carbon accounting

      World-class cloud-based software
      State-of-the art interface that can be used by business users allows to save time whilst increasing calculation accuracy.
      Designed for large businesses
      Enterprise-grade solution that allows measurement within complex corporate structures, forecasting, and international reporting.
      Automated data collection
      An automation-first, AI-powered carbon accounting engine that puts your environmental footprint on autopilot.

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      واجهة Net0