Automate carbon accounting with artificial intelligence

Save 90% of time on emissions data collection and deliver 70% more accurate and auditable datasets through AI-powered emissions management software.

Automated data collection with modern technologies

Data collection is often perceived as the core challenge of carbon accounting for larger businesses.

Net0 is using AI technologies to address this challenge by automatically capturing data from thousands of systems and vendors, whilst delivering unprecedented accuracy and auditability.
  • AI-powered data extraction from invoices
  • Technology-driven vendor outreach
  • Centralised ledger of all emissions related data
Automated emissions measurement
Scope 1, 2, 3 emissions

Scopes 1, 2, 3 and beyond

Calculate emissions across all three main GHG Scopes, including the long tail Scope 3 for your entire supply chain. Record prevented emissions (Scope 4) and savings from all initiatives for a wholesome reporting.
  • Calculate emissions across Scopes 1, 2 and 3
  • Track emissions savings achieved internally and externally
  • Capture every possible source of emissions in one tool

Purpose-built for
‍complex structures

Net0's AI-powered carbon accounting engine has been crafted to help most demanding customers precisely calculate carbon emissions within some of the most complex org structures. Our AI models become even more powerful with millions of datapoints, and offer granular analysis at both local and global viewpoints.
  • Interactive dashboard for your team, investors and the public
  • Verifiable calculation methodologies that follow the latest global standards
  • Granular data export to empower climate decision makers

10,000+ integrations

Convert business data to CO2e metrics automatically, with minimal effort from the team. Know your carbon footprint in real time.
  • Scope 1, 2, 3 calculations on autopilot
  • Capture data from invoices, ERP systems, and 1000s of available integrations
  • Convert business data into emissions using the most up to date methodologies and emission factors

أعد تصور الاستدامة
مع الذكاء الاصطناعي

استفد من الفرص الاقتصادية للاستدامة باستخدام برنامج Net0 لإدارة الانبعاثات.

جدولة عرض توضيحي
واجهة Net0