Empower Carbon Neutral Events
Champion sustainability in the events industry

Go carbon neutral, attract eco-conscious attendees, and leave a positive legacy.

of all emissions result from electricity, and such emissions tend to spike during events featuring ample entertainment, where electricity usage is heightened.
of global GHG emissions are caused by food production, including farming, logistics, storage, and waste. Large events in catering also play a significant role.
of emissions come from transportation, with flying to international events being a significant contributor, especially when multiplied by the tens of thousands of attendees.
Why care?

Carbon-neutrality is no longer a nice-to-have; it's a must-have

Heighten enthusiasm about your events
  • Increasing demand: More than 1000 SMEs are transitioning to green events as guests demand it.
  • Growing awareness: 30% of festival-goers strongly agree that carbon neutrality is important at festivals. Another 36% aren't aware of the consequences that CO2 emissions from events have on the environment.
  • Guest loyalty: 57% of guests would be willing to pay more for a ticket to an environmentally friendly event.
How will you attract attendees in 2025?

By building rapport for carbon neutral events.

Carbon neutrality is here to stay

carbon neutrality
Just another big event without a clear positioning on climate, losing attendees to other big events.
achieving Net Zero
Increased attendees at your unique event after positioning yourself as carbon neutral.
carbon neutrality
Lack of attendees because video conferences are better for the environment.
achieving Net Zero
Loyal guests will be excited to participate in the big event.
carbon neutrality
Being passed up for other events with uncommon philanthropies.
achieving Net Zero
More happy attendees raving about the value your latest event brought to the environment.

Change your company for the better

Evaluate emissions
Add data and let the carbon accounting software calculate emissions immediately.
Take action
Assess your emissions to make a reduction strategy, then purchase offsets for present, unavoidable emissions in one click.
Get certified
Display your carbon neutrality certificate on your website and social media to attract more guests who are inspired to attend in-person.
Get the demo
How it works

Host environmentally friendly events by becoming carbon neutral

Describe your event

Use Net0's calculator to answer a few brief questions about your event. This will allow the system to calculate emissions precisely.

Discover the product
Receive a breakdown of your CO2 emissions

You will receive a report immediately after filling in the questions.

Request access to Net0 for events
Reduce carbon emissions

Use the simulation tool and progress cards to visualize and execute proper carbon mitigation strategies.

Explore reduction opportunities
Offset unavoidable emissions

Offset your carbon emissions into a Net0 Climate Fund which includes a diverse selection of approved climate programs.

Learn about offsets
Display the certificate on your premises and website

Be transparent and emphasize carbon neutrality on your social media sites, advertisements, digital and physical tickets, website and more, to demonstrate you are an eco-friendly event provider.

Learn about certification
Convinced yet?

Reasons to choose Net0 for carbon accounting

The easiest software for carbon accounting
A simple-to-use, cloud based platform that works wonders in minutes. No need for external calculators or expert knowledge.
The best reduction strategy tool for carbon emissions
A diverse set of carbon offsets are available in Net0's Climate Fund. Instant certificates display how you host responsible events. Everything you need to calculate and offset for unavoidable emissions.
Impressive automation
An automation-first, AI-powered carbon accounting platform that gives you a jump start in your role in carbon neutrality.

Reimagine Sustainability
with AI

Capitalize on the economic opportunities of sustainability with Net0's emissions management software.

Schedule a demo
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