Simple Ways Your Business Can Become More Eco-Friendly
Apr 29, 2022

Table of Contents
While investors are demanding environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria, and consumers are demanding eco-friendly and carbon-neutral products and services, companies struggle to close the gap between their present business practices and how they can reduce their environmental damage and their carbon footprint.
If you want to know how to become a more eco-friendly business and how Net0 can help with your carbon reduction strategies, then keep reading.
Go carbon-neutral
This is not something companies can continue to slide by. With ambitious climate action strikes around the world including outside of COP26 and school children ditching classes for climate change demonstrations, consumers just aren't buying CO2 emitting products the way they used to. GenZs are more concerned with climate change than any other generation has been and will not cease to think about it when making daily purchases and sharing the impacts of your business with others on social media.
Corporate sustainability is no longer value-added but mandatory. Carbon neutrality is leading the way this decade and corporate social responsibility must be communicated and have the ability to prove proactivity with precise data to convey that they are not greenwashing and being accountable for their business practices and their carbon footprints.
You can go carbon neutral in Net0's emission management platform by entering raw data to calculate, measure, and track emissions through analytics. Use the simulator tool to discover ways of reducing emissions. Then, offset the present unavoidable emissions with one of our climate programs, and report. Net0 generates investor-grade reports in real-time that are regionally and GHGP-compliant so that reporting is always done accurately. Your public dashboard can be seen by anyone you give a link to which ensures that stakeholders will acknowledge your accomplishments towards net zero.
Choose green energy
Renewable energy has been growing faster than ever before, in recent years. Wind and solar farms now dot the countryside and compete with traditional fossil fuel sources for a better quality of life for people and the earth. Changing your energy supplier from one which predominantly uses fossil fuel sources to one which sources energy from renewables is one of the most powerful ways your company can make a difference.
There are many green energy companies to choose from. As well as reducing your business's carbon footprint, using these suppliers is also a cost-effective option as many of them offer cheaper tariffs. If you have the ability, you can also generate your own power by installing solar panels on your business premises.
Net0 uses visual machine learning and other artificial intelligence tools to automate raw data collection from uploaded utility bills and invoices. More than just a carbon accounting software, the data then converts to CO2 tonnage so any energy you're using can be offset with one of our 140+ climate programs as you transition to net zero. What is more, the climate programs you're contributing to fund projects such as renewables so there are alternatives that will be available for the demand of the transition.
Finding ways to curb emissions through combining shipments, having video calls instead of making long business trips, and offering online events for customers and colleagues far away help with keeping transportation pollution down. Even giving incentives for employee commutes like ridesharing programs, public transportation, and encouraging bicycle riding with having safe places to store bicycles at the office, make a big difference in pollution overall.
Companies can enter their commute, business travel, and logistics data into Net0's platform to measure and track their emissions in order to make proper reduction strategies and offset the residuals. You can even enter specific vehicles from company passenger cars to commercial trucks if they are frequently used.
It's not just energy where you can make a difference. Green procurement is a powerful way your business can become more eco-friendly.
Source goods which have been produced sustainably and do not contain excessive packaging, can be reused/recycled, and don't contain substances which are toxic to the environment. Speak to your suppliers about where the goods are coming from and don't be afraid to switch suppliers to those who source their products more sustainably.
When using Net0's simulator tool, it's easy to see what your carbon footprint would look like with alternative sources. This will provide insight into the production and procurement processes. Making strategic plans with analytics also provides investors with evidence you need to keep their attention, as many investors won't even consider backing a company that isn't providing ESG criteria.
Companies that make changes in this way give long-term value to the products that are eco-friendly and carbon-neutral and also to the company as a whole. This does not go unnoticed by shareholders who desire a return on investment, nor does it go unnoticed by the end-consumers that are shifting loyalty to eco-friendly products and businesses. Moreover, with the social media movements, customers don't only buy your products and move on, but they influence others about your brand through reviews and more, and about what products everyone else should be buying too.
Office supplies
Businesses throw away a huge number of pens, paper goods, and other office supplies every year. Consider stocking your office with reusable supplies, such as refillable pens. These not only reduce your environmental impact but can also work out cheaper in the long run.
Appointing an office manager or member of staff to oversee the stationery cupboard and keep track of supplies can also help you keep an eye on your environmental footprint. They can also help ensure that staff understand the importance of reducing office supply wastage and encourage them to take ownership of their individual environmental impact. For a more accurate picture, carry out a waste audit, and be aware of what you can recycle.
Web hosting
Servers have to run all the time, which can cause a huge environmental drain. Switching your website's hosting to a company that provides green hosting will provide huge environmental benefits. Green hosting ensures that at least part of the energy used to power the hosting servers comes from a renewable source. Some green web hosts generate their own power, and as this is cheaper for them, they can pass on the savings to their customers, making it more affordable for you. Your customers will also think better of you if you decide to go with a green hosting service.
Computers and accessories
Computers and accessories wear out over time. Rather than throwing them out, it is worth checking if a vendor offers an asset recycling program where they take or buy back old equipment. Local office supply stores may also offer e-waste recycling programs. Tax breaks and other incentives also exist for companies which donate computers to organizations that refurbish them as long as they are in decent working condition.
Upcycling or refurbishing old office furniture is not only more environmentally friendly, it can also be cheaper in the long run. Taking care of the furniture you already have will keep the office looking fresh and is more cost-efficient. If the furniture is good quality and taken care of well then more doesn't need to be purchased.
Go paperless
Going paperless will save paper waste and reduce your environmental footprint significantly. Allowing customers to choose paperless options and reducing your internal paper usage by making use of email will both contribute to this reduction and give you a rapport as a more sustainable business plus printing and ink costs are much higher than sending email for free or generating a QR code to transmit information that can be stored in mobile phones in seconds.
If you absolutely have to use paper for some purposes, source recycled materials and more eco-friendly envelopes from responsible suppliers.
Related content:
We help companies become carbon neutral by using our emissions management platform to measure, track, reduce, report their emissions, and get carbon-neutral certified. If you'd like to learn more, please refer to our free resources below:
• Article: Carbon Emissions in the Atmosphere and Abating Emissions
• Article: Carbon Emissions and Mitigation Strategies
In summary
It is easier to go green than you thought it was. A more sustainable future is achievable, but businesses need to step up and lead the way in reducing the impact on the environment. Go carbon-neutral and let it lead your eco-friendly efforts.
Your business can make a difference. Book a free call with Net0 to speak with an expert and see the platform in action and learn how you can reduce your emissions to zero. Managing your emissions now is a big step to becoming a more eco-friendly business.
While investors are demanding environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria, and consumers are demanding eco-friendly and carbon-neutral products and services, companies struggle to close the gap between their present business practices and how they can reduce their environmental damage and their carbon footprint.
If you want to know how to become a more eco-friendly business and how Net0 can help with your carbon reduction strategies, then keep reading.
Go carbon-neutral
This is not something companies can continue to slide by. With ambitious climate action strikes around the world including outside of COP26 and school children ditching classes for climate change demonstrations, consumers just aren't buying CO2 emitting products the way they used to. GenZs are more concerned with climate change than any other generation has been and will not cease to think about it when making daily purchases and sharing the impacts of your business with others on social media.
Corporate sustainability is no longer value-added but mandatory. Carbon neutrality is leading the way this decade and corporate social responsibility must be communicated and have the ability to prove proactivity with precise data to convey that they are not greenwashing and being accountable for their business practices and their carbon footprints.
You can go carbon neutral in Net0's emission management platform by entering raw data to calculate, measure, and track emissions through analytics. Use the simulator tool to discover ways of reducing emissions. Then, offset the present unavoidable emissions with one of our climate programs, and report. Net0 generates investor-grade reports in real-time that are regionally and GHGP-compliant so that reporting is always done accurately. Your public dashboard can be seen by anyone you give a link to which ensures that stakeholders will acknowledge your accomplishments towards net zero.
Choose green energy
Renewable energy has been growing faster than ever before, in recent years. Wind and solar farms now dot the countryside and compete with traditional fossil fuel sources for a better quality of life for people and the earth. Changing your energy supplier from one which predominantly uses fossil fuel sources to one which sources energy from renewables is one of the most powerful ways your company can make a difference.
There are many green energy companies to choose from. As well as reducing your business's carbon footprint, using these suppliers is also a cost-effective option as many of them offer cheaper tariffs. If you have the ability, you can also generate your own power by installing solar panels on your business premises.
Net0 uses visual machine learning and other artificial intelligence tools to automate raw data collection from uploaded utility bills and invoices. More than just a carbon accounting software, the data then converts to CO2 tonnage so any energy you're using can be offset with one of our 140+ climate programs as you transition to net zero. What is more, the climate programs you're contributing to fund projects such as renewables so there are alternatives that will be available for the demand of the transition.
Finding ways to curb emissions through combining shipments, having video calls instead of making long business trips, and offering online events for customers and colleagues far away help with keeping transportation pollution down. Even giving incentives for employee commutes like ridesharing programs, public transportation, and encouraging bicycle riding with having safe places to store bicycles at the office, make a big difference in pollution overall.
Companies can enter their commute, business travel, and logistics data into Net0's platform to measure and track their emissions in order to make proper reduction strategies and offset the residuals. You can even enter specific vehicles from company passenger cars to commercial trucks if they are frequently used.
It's not just energy where you can make a difference. Green procurement is a powerful way your business can become more eco-friendly.
Source goods which have been produced sustainably and do not contain excessive packaging, can be reused/recycled, and don't contain substances which are toxic to the environment. Speak to your suppliers about where the goods are coming from and don't be afraid to switch suppliers to those who source their products more sustainably.
When using Net0's simulator tool, it's easy to see what your carbon footprint would look like with alternative sources. This will provide insight into the production and procurement processes. Making strategic plans with analytics also provides investors with evidence you need to keep their attention, as many investors won't even consider backing a company that isn't providing ESG criteria.
Companies that make changes in this way give long-term value to the products that are eco-friendly and carbon-neutral and also to the company as a whole. This does not go unnoticed by shareholders who desire a return on investment, nor does it go unnoticed by the end-consumers that are shifting loyalty to eco-friendly products and businesses. Moreover, with the social media movements, customers don't only buy your products and move on, but they influence others about your brand through reviews and more, and about what products everyone else should be buying too.
Office supplies
Businesses throw away a huge number of pens, paper goods, and other office supplies every year. Consider stocking your office with reusable supplies, such as refillable pens. These not only reduce your environmental impact but can also work out cheaper in the long run.
Appointing an office manager or member of staff to oversee the stationery cupboard and keep track of supplies can also help you keep an eye on your environmental footprint. They can also help ensure that staff understand the importance of reducing office supply wastage and encourage them to take ownership of their individual environmental impact. For a more accurate picture, carry out a waste audit, and be aware of what you can recycle.
Web hosting
Servers have to run all the time, which can cause a huge environmental drain. Switching your website's hosting to a company that provides green hosting will provide huge environmental benefits. Green hosting ensures that at least part of the energy used to power the hosting servers comes from a renewable source. Some green web hosts generate their own power, and as this is cheaper for them, they can pass on the savings to their customers, making it more affordable for you. Your customers will also think better of you if you decide to go with a green hosting service.
Computers and accessories
Computers and accessories wear out over time. Rather than throwing them out, it is worth checking if a vendor offers an asset recycling program where they take or buy back old equipment. Local office supply stores may also offer e-waste recycling programs. Tax breaks and other incentives also exist for companies which donate computers to organizations that refurbish them as long as they are in decent working condition.
Upcycling or refurbishing old office furniture is not only more environmentally friendly, it can also be cheaper in the long run. Taking care of the furniture you already have will keep the office looking fresh and is more cost-efficient. If the furniture is good quality and taken care of well then more doesn't need to be purchased.
Go paperless
Going paperless will save paper waste and reduce your environmental footprint significantly. Allowing customers to choose paperless options and reducing your internal paper usage by making use of email will both contribute to this reduction and give you a rapport as a more sustainable business plus printing and ink costs are much higher than sending email for free or generating a QR code to transmit information that can be stored in mobile phones in seconds.
If you absolutely have to use paper for some purposes, source recycled materials and more eco-friendly envelopes from responsible suppliers.
Related content:
We help companies become carbon neutral by using our emissions management platform to measure, track, reduce, report their emissions, and get carbon-neutral certified. If you'd like to learn more, please refer to our free resources below:
• Article: Carbon Emissions in the Atmosphere and Abating Emissions
• Article: Carbon Emissions and Mitigation Strategies
In summary
It is easier to go green than you thought it was. A more sustainable future is achievable, but businesses need to step up and lead the way in reducing the impact on the environment. Go carbon-neutral and let it lead your eco-friendly efforts.
Your business can make a difference. Book a free call with Net0 to speak with an expert and see the platform in action and learn how you can reduce your emissions to zero. Managing your emissions now is a big step to becoming a more eco-friendly business.
While investors are demanding environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria, and consumers are demanding eco-friendly and carbon-neutral products and services, companies struggle to close the gap between their present business practices and how they can reduce their environmental damage and their carbon footprint.
If you want to know how to become a more eco-friendly business and how Net0 can help with your carbon reduction strategies, then keep reading.
Go carbon-neutral
This is not something companies can continue to slide by. With ambitious climate action strikes around the world including outside of COP26 and school children ditching classes for climate change demonstrations, consumers just aren't buying CO2 emitting products the way they used to. GenZs are more concerned with climate change than any other generation has been and will not cease to think about it when making daily purchases and sharing the impacts of your business with others on social media.
Corporate sustainability is no longer value-added but mandatory. Carbon neutrality is leading the way this decade and corporate social responsibility must be communicated and have the ability to prove proactivity with precise data to convey that they are not greenwashing and being accountable for their business practices and their carbon footprints.
You can go carbon neutral in Net0's emission management platform by entering raw data to calculate, measure, and track emissions through analytics. Use the simulator tool to discover ways of reducing emissions. Then, offset the present unavoidable emissions with one of our climate programs, and report. Net0 generates investor-grade reports in real-time that are regionally and GHGP-compliant so that reporting is always done accurately. Your public dashboard can be seen by anyone you give a link to which ensures that stakeholders will acknowledge your accomplishments towards net zero.
Choose green energy
Renewable energy has been growing faster than ever before, in recent years. Wind and solar farms now dot the countryside and compete with traditional fossil fuel sources for a better quality of life for people and the earth. Changing your energy supplier from one which predominantly uses fossil fuel sources to one which sources energy from renewables is one of the most powerful ways your company can make a difference.
There are many green energy companies to choose from. As well as reducing your business's carbon footprint, using these suppliers is also a cost-effective option as many of them offer cheaper tariffs. If you have the ability, you can also generate your own power by installing solar panels on your business premises.
Net0 uses visual machine learning and other artificial intelligence tools to automate raw data collection from uploaded utility bills and invoices. More than just a carbon accounting software, the data then converts to CO2 tonnage so any energy you're using can be offset with one of our 140+ climate programs as you transition to net zero. What is more, the climate programs you're contributing to fund projects such as renewables so there are alternatives that will be available for the demand of the transition.
Finding ways to curb emissions through combining shipments, having video calls instead of making long business trips, and offering online events for customers and colleagues far away help with keeping transportation pollution down. Even giving incentives for employee commutes like ridesharing programs, public transportation, and encouraging bicycle riding with having safe places to store bicycles at the office, make a big difference in pollution overall.
Companies can enter their commute, business travel, and logistics data into Net0's platform to measure and track their emissions in order to make proper reduction strategies and offset the residuals. You can even enter specific vehicles from company passenger cars to commercial trucks if they are frequently used.
It's not just energy where you can make a difference. Green procurement is a powerful way your business can become more eco-friendly.
Source goods which have been produced sustainably and do not contain excessive packaging, can be reused/recycled, and don't contain substances which are toxic to the environment. Speak to your suppliers about where the goods are coming from and don't be afraid to switch suppliers to those who source their products more sustainably.
When using Net0's simulator tool, it's easy to see what your carbon footprint would look like with alternative sources. This will provide insight into the production and procurement processes. Making strategic plans with analytics also provides investors with evidence you need to keep their attention, as many investors won't even consider backing a company that isn't providing ESG criteria.
Companies that make changes in this way give long-term value to the products that are eco-friendly and carbon-neutral and also to the company as a whole. This does not go unnoticed by shareholders who desire a return on investment, nor does it go unnoticed by the end-consumers that are shifting loyalty to eco-friendly products and businesses. Moreover, with the social media movements, customers don't only buy your products and move on, but they influence others about your brand through reviews and more, and about what products everyone else should be buying too.
Office supplies
Businesses throw away a huge number of pens, paper goods, and other office supplies every year. Consider stocking your office with reusable supplies, such as refillable pens. These not only reduce your environmental impact but can also work out cheaper in the long run.
Appointing an office manager or member of staff to oversee the stationery cupboard and keep track of supplies can also help you keep an eye on your environmental footprint. They can also help ensure that staff understand the importance of reducing office supply wastage and encourage them to take ownership of their individual environmental impact. For a more accurate picture, carry out a waste audit, and be aware of what you can recycle.
Web hosting
Servers have to run all the time, which can cause a huge environmental drain. Switching your website's hosting to a company that provides green hosting will provide huge environmental benefits. Green hosting ensures that at least part of the energy used to power the hosting servers comes from a renewable source. Some green web hosts generate their own power, and as this is cheaper for them, they can pass on the savings to their customers, making it more affordable for you. Your customers will also think better of you if you decide to go with a green hosting service.
Computers and accessories
Computers and accessories wear out over time. Rather than throwing them out, it is worth checking if a vendor offers an asset recycling program where they take or buy back old equipment. Local office supply stores may also offer e-waste recycling programs. Tax breaks and other incentives also exist for companies which donate computers to organizations that refurbish them as long as they are in decent working condition.
Upcycling or refurbishing old office furniture is not only more environmentally friendly, it can also be cheaper in the long run. Taking care of the furniture you already have will keep the office looking fresh and is more cost-efficient. If the furniture is good quality and taken care of well then more doesn't need to be purchased.
Go paperless
Going paperless will save paper waste and reduce your environmental footprint significantly. Allowing customers to choose paperless options and reducing your internal paper usage by making use of email will both contribute to this reduction and give you a rapport as a more sustainable business plus printing and ink costs are much higher than sending email for free or generating a QR code to transmit information that can be stored in mobile phones in seconds.
If you absolutely have to use paper for some purposes, source recycled materials and more eco-friendly envelopes from responsible suppliers.
Related content:
We help companies become carbon neutral by using our emissions management platform to measure, track, reduce, report their emissions, and get carbon-neutral certified. If you'd like to learn more, please refer to our free resources below:
• Article: Carbon Emissions in the Atmosphere and Abating Emissions
• Article: Carbon Emissions and Mitigation Strategies
In summary
It is easier to go green than you thought it was. A more sustainable future is achievable, but businesses need to step up and lead the way in reducing the impact on the environment. Go carbon-neutral and let it lead your eco-friendly efforts.
Your business can make a difference. Book a free call with Net0 to speak with an expert and see the platform in action and learn how you can reduce your emissions to zero. Managing your emissions now is a big step to becoming a more eco-friendly business.
Written by

Sofia Fominova
As Co-Founder of Net0, Sofia Fominova helps enterprises and governments leverage AI and data to achieve their sustainability goals. With over 60 AI-powered solutions, Net0 provides end-to-end sustainability tools—covering everything from automated data collection and full carbon management to industry-specific solutions for waste, water, and beyond. By addressing sustainability at every level, Net0 enables organizations to drive efficiency, reduce environmental impact, and create lasting change.
Reimagine Sustainability
with AI
Capitalize on the economic opportunities of sustainability with Net0's emissions management software.

Reimagine Sustainability
with AI
Capitalize on the economic opportunities of sustainability with Net0's emissions management software.

Reimagine Sustainability
with AI
Capitalize on the economic opportunities of sustainability with Net0's emissions management software.

Reimagine Sustainability
with AI
Capitalize on the economic opportunities of sustainability with Net0's emissions management software.